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In the Cathedral of Barcelona, the organ accompanies the Eucharistic celebrations and the reading of the Divine Office.

The Cathedral’s organ is of great artistic, liturgical and historical importance. It is inside the nave, under the bell tower, in the upper gallery over the door of Saint Ivo. It was built between 1537 and 1539 and the windchest covers are decorated with grisailles by Pedro Pablo Serafín “the Greek”. The covers for the main organ are on display in the exhibition hall of the church of Saint Severus (at Carrer Sant Sever, 9) and in the Chapterhouse Museum, in the Cloister of the Cathedral.

The organ was repaired and restored between 1985-1994. Starting in 1990, very popular organ concerts have been programmed each month.

The current organists at the Barcelona Cathedral are:

  • Josep M. Escalona i Canyet
  • Josep M. Nogués Rodés
  • Hèctor Paris Casadellà

XXXIV Cycle of Organ Concerts